Thursday, 22 September 2011

Design of reverse osmosis - reverse osmosis six design factors for industrial reverse osmosis systems

!±8± Design of reverse osmosis - reverse osmosis six design factors for industrial reverse osmosis systems

In a power plant or an industrial plant that uses large amounts of steam, constant steam production is crucial for the plant. It follows that a continuous source of water of high purity boiler feed is critical. Increasingly, this means that the design, installation and operation of an industrial system with reverse osmosis.

The use of RO plants in the industrial and power generation has become increasingly common over the last 15 -20 yearsparticularly in the newly built cogeneration plants and independent power generation. Reverse osmosis water treatment upgrades of old systems for industrial boilers are often used as well. This is especially true for plants of independent base-load electricity generation from traditional source fuel use.

This article presents six RO units and operating parameters for your attention before you purchase a reverse osmosis system for the production of energy or industrialSystem.

Two parameters to look around the end-use of treated water RO

The reverse osmosis equipment parameter # 1: Power generation plants typically permeate the desired water flow. System designs with more than one step may be necessary to ensure that the final product is specified purity. Other considerations may allow some redundancy RO coatings for cleaning or exchange membrane, boiler make-up flow of RO vs. demand are removed,The demand for RO water storage, both before and for the feed and downstream of the RO permeate.

Reverse osmosis equipment Parameter # 2: If required will be rejected, the desired product, multi-staged. Down in a power plant, waste water and, in some cases, once the cooling tower is concentrated with multi-stage on the total amount of RO water, effluent concentrations of the standards of care are reduced. Click here to view a diagram of a two-stage reverse osmosis to see.

4 RONeed to consider the characteristics of water supply and water supply variability RO meet certain criteria. Otherwise, the RO membranes, poor performance, will be fouled, requiring costly and excessive cleaning, which can be up to the point where they are damaged must be replaced prematurely. If this happens to fall permeate water quality and performance.

Furthermore, care must be taken to the variability of water system that feeds the RO plant will be paid. Surface water can varyseasonally and spring runoff, turbidity can access more than 500 Nephelometric Turbidity (NTU) to increase. Well water can also vary in dissolved solids.

Reverse osmosis equipment Parameter # 3: How variable is the plant process water seasonally in dissolved solids, COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), color, turbidity, temperature and suspended? It is the equipment of treatment before the RO system is able to address any excursions?

Reverse osmosis equipmentParameter # 4: For surface water sources, such as variable is the plant process water runoff in the spring, and during the lake turnover? The turn-over occurs twice a year when the temperature passes 40 degrees F of the lake [4.4 degrees C], the point of maximum density of water. During this turbulent period, there is a significant increase in turbidity and suspended solids such as dirt and mud from the bottom raised.

Reverse osmosis equipment Parameter # 5: For a new well drilled, to be stableThe water chemistry? In total suspended solids may remain stable, vary seasonally and dissolved substances throughout the life of the asset.

Reverse osmosis parameter # 6: Try the silt density index (SDI) are frequent. The silt density index is a measure of the fouling tendency of the water supply to a RO system. Typically, spiral reverse osmosis systems require less than 5 SDI wound, and hollow fiber RO systems is an SDI requires less than 3. If necessary, have aStudy size distribution of particles in suspension / colloidal solids in the plant in water and RO feed water did.

Design of reverse osmosis - reverse osmosis six design factors for industrial reverse osmosis systems

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